Last Year suggestions
It is time to say goodbye to 2021. The year 2021 proved to be one of the most successful years for all global equity markets. This year suggested 2 IPOs – 1 to buy and 1 to ignore. The IPO which was recommended to subscribe was Ease My Trip.
Offer price was 186-7 GMP Rs. 150-160 and This stock made a bottom at 161 and climbed up to 717 (more than 4 times) in just a few years. Today after 6 months from listing the stock is trading at 575. This stock has outperformed all other IPOs listed in the year 2021. The second stock is PAYTM. It was clearly mentioned not to subscribe to this stock. What it was written” It is time to book profits in PAYTM. Venture capitalists and seed capitalists are booking profit and liquidating their major stake to small stakeholders – the public. Please avoid investment in this stock. Disclaimer: This is not a recommendation.
This stock is still trading much below its offer price.
Gold: It was recommended on Dec. 31st, 2020 that Gold may be weak and can travel southward in the first 2 months of the year 2021. This forecast holds good perfectly dot on dot. The price of gold slipped from the high of 50500 to 44150 in the first 2 months of the year. The Gold price rallied from the bottom of 44150 to the top of 49700 by the month-end of May 2021.
In the year 2021, N number of video lectures on the concept of Time is Price and Price is Time, were published on YouTube. In the flowing video, It is explained how to convert price to Time to find out the vibrating time/s of the day.
Weekly Trading Level
On the request of many students, keep posting weekly trading levels for Global indices and Indian stocks throughout the year 2021. It was not a recommendation to buy or sell. These exercises / case studies were to prove what we learn in technical analysis classes can be applied to become a successful trader or an investor.
Aurora Candle – Price Action
Many technical analysis concepts: Trend lines, Moving averages, Momentum Trading, Regression Trend, Concept of half and double, Gann Fan, Aurora Candles are explained in last year.
The concept of Aurora Candle, a price action trading strategy was presented just one and a half year back and rating of the course is 4.7/5 as on the day. This concept was discovered by JMC Team in year 2020. Same year the concept of Aurora Candle was designed and developed as a technical analysis course. This price action course was published on Udemy. In last one and a half years 1369 students have been enrolled to this course “Stock Trading with price action”. In total more than 2500 students have been enrolled and appreciated the efforts and dedication of Team-JMC.
In year 2021, 2 new courses were introduced with the titles 1) Stock market Technical Analysis with Time and Trend lines and 2) Learn to Trade momentum stocks – A technical analysis strategy. In New Year 2022 hope to add at least 2 new more courses on the platform of Udemy courses.